Listed here are the newest items available for sale,
as sorted by denomination and relation to United States Coinage.
Until we have completed updating our website,
several items may be listed on this page exclusively.

Coin photos are to scale: 5px to 1mm.

ITEMS ADDED 8/01/2023 - 8/15/2023

Obverse Reverse Inv Num Date Topic Comments Grade Value $
95919 R
c. 1862 U.S. Mint Medalet Washington and Lincoln
Extremely Fine $30.00
95939 R
1876 U.S. Mint Medalet Struck at Centennial Exposition Memorial Extremely Fine $95.00
95874 R 1973 Silver Medal Scientist Paul Ehrlich, Immunologist
High Relief
0.999 Fine Silver, 2 oz. ASW
Original Box included
Uncirculated $125.00
95943 R
1996 Silver Medal 50th Anniversary of the Red Book, Whitman Publishing
Deep Cameo
Original Toning
Proof-69 DCAM OT $50.00
95944 R
1996 Silver Medal 50th Anniversary of the Red Book, Whitman Publishing
Deep Cameo
Original Toning
Proof-69 DCAM OT $50.00
95827 R ND (1797) Military Medal U.S. Frigate Constitution
Struck from parts of the ship
Uncirculated $35.00
95938 R
1888 Military Medal Grand Parade
Civil War Soldiers & Tents
Holed, Extremely Fine $55.00
95942 R
1925 Military Medal Battle of Lexington
"What a Glorious Morning for America"
MS-63 $40.00
95900 S 1944 Military Medal D-Day
"The Allies Saved Rome"
Extremely Fine $150.00
95999 R 1960's Military Medal U.S. Marines
Toys for Tots
Extremely Fine $5.00
95814 R 1964 Military Medal MacArthur Memorial
Norfolk, VA
Extremely Fine $12.00
95821 R
1983 Military Medal POW - MIA
Mint Medal
Bril. Uncirculated $22.00
95822 R
1983 Military Medal POW - MIA
Mint Medal
Bril. Uncirculated $22.00
95823 R
1991 Military Medal General Norman Schwartzkopf
Mint Medal
Bril. Uncirculated $22.00
95824 R
1991 Military Medal General Colin L. Powell
Mint Medal
Bril. Uncirculated $22.00
95872 R
2001 Military Medal 60th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
Stars and Stripes Forever
0.999 Fine Silver, 1 oz. ASW
Proof $60.00
95873 R
2001 Military Medal 60th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
Stars and Stripes Forever
Silver Clad
Proof $25.00
96010 R 1840 Political Medal General W. H. Harrison
The People's Choice
Holed, Fine $40.00
95870 R
1880 Political Medal James Garfield
Soldiers' Friend
Cornerstone Medal
Extremely Fine $65.00
95785 S
1893 Political Medal Abraham Lincoln
With Malice Toward None
Columbian Exposition
Uncirculated $160.00
95898 R
1908 Political Medal Taft & Sherman Watch Fob Extremely Fine $65.00
95899 R
1908 Political Medal Bryan & Kern Watch Fob Extremely Fine $65.00
95914 S c. 1959 Political Medal George Washington
Musante 37 (S), Breen 1244
22 Struck
Extremely Fine $1,500.00
95819 R 1970's Political Medal John F. Kennedy
Uniface, A.M.
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95912 R
1973 Political Medal Gerald Ford
Vice President
Silver Composition
Proof $50.00
95886 R
1975 Political Medal Gerald Ford
Republican National Committee
Sterling Silver Composition
Bril. Uncirculated $45.00
95763 R 1978 Political Medal Carter Peanut Extremely Fine $18.00
95787 R 1981 Political Medal Inauguration of Ronald Reagan
Copper Composition
Uncirculated $10.00
95798 R 1982 Political Medal Frankin D. Roosevelt
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95799 R 1982 Political Medal Franklin D. Roosevelt
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95792 R 1984 Political Medal Ronald Reagan
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95793 R 1984 Political Medal Ronald Reagan
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95794 R 1984 Political Medal Ronald Reagan
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95795 R 1984 Political Medal Ronald Reagan
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95796 R 1984 Political Medal Harry S. Truman
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95797 R 1984 Political Medal Harry S. Truman
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95800 R 1985 Political Medal Winston S. Churchill
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95801 R 1985 Political Medal Winston S. Churchill
Double Eagle
Bril. Uncirculated $3.00
95820 R
1989 Political Medal The 39 Presidents
The White House
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95876 R
1968 Town Medal San Diego, CA
U.S. Mint produced
Original Packaging
Uncirculated $45.00
96216 R 1963 Town Medal New Albany, IN
Good for 5 C.
Uncirculated $8.50
96217 R 1963 Town Medal New Albany, IN
Good for 5 C.
Uncirculated $8.50
96218 R 1963 Town Medal New Albany, IN
Good for 5 C.
Uncirculated $8.50
96219 R 1963 Town Medal New Albany, IN
Good for 5 C.
Uncirculated $8.50
95920 R 1969 Town Medal Arlington, MA
Birthplace of Uncle Sam
Uncirculated $55.00
95887 R 1939 Town Medal Barnstable, MA
Uncirculated $30.00
95888 R 1939 Town Medal Barnstable, MA
Uncirculated $30.00
67387 R
1985 Town Medal Barnstable County, MA
About Uncirculated P.O.R.
95937 R 1976 Town Medal Bedford, MA
First American Flag
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95806 R 1976 Town Medal Berlin, MA
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95807 R 1976 Town Medal Berlin, MA
Bril. Uncirculated $20.00
95891 R
1935 Town Medal Bourne, MA
Cape Cod Canal Bridges
Uncirculated $30.00
95941 R
1964 Town Medal Bourne, MA
Cape Cod Canal
0.999 Fine Silver
Bril. Uncirculated $50.00
95933 R
1964 Town Medal Bourne, MA
Cape Cod Canal
Bril. Uncirculated $50.00
95882 R 1977 Town Medal Bourne, MA
Aptuxet Trading Post
Sterling Silver
Bril. Uncirculated $50.00
95936 R 1974 Town Medal Burlington, MA
125th Anniversary
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95929 R 1974 Town Medal Burlington, MA
125th Anniversary
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95773 R 1956 Town Medal Canton, MA
The Collins Co.
Bril. Uncirculated $40.00
95810 R 1976 Town Medal Clinton, MA
American Bicentennial Celebration
Bril. Uncirculated $20.00
95811 R 1976 Town Medal Clinton, MA
American Bicentennial Celebration
Bril. Uncirculated $20.00
95818 R
1976 Town Medal Concord, MA
The Shot Heard Round the World
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95816 R
1981 Town Medal Great Barrington, MA
Good for 50 C. in Trade
Bril. Uncirculated $20.00
95926 R 1975 Town Medal Lexington, MA
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95927 R 1975 Town Medal Lexington, MA
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95928 R 1975 Town Medal Lexington, MA
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
95883 R
2000 Town Medal Lexington, MA
Lexington Commission
John Parker
Silver Composition
Bril. Uncirculated $55.00
95884 R
2000 Town Medal Lexington, MA
Lexington Commission
John Parker
Silver Composition
Bril. Uncirculated $55.00
95885 R
2000 Town Medal Lexington, MA
Lexington Commission
John Parker
Silver Composition
Bril. Uncirculated $55.00
95813 R 1986 Town Medal Lowell, MA
Art is the Handmaid of Human Good
Bronze Composition
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95917 R 1972 Town Medal New Bedford, MA
125th Anniversary
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95817 R
1961 Town Medal Pittsfield-Berkshire, MA
Good for 50 C. in Trade
Bril. Uncirculated $20.00
95808 R 1976 Town Medal Pittsfield, MA
American Bicentennial
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95809 R 1976 Town Medal Pittsfield, MA
American Bicentennial
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95916 R
1970 Town Medal Plymouth, MA
The Pilgrims land in the New World
Bril. Uncirculated $8.00
95915 R 1970 Town Medal Provincetown, MA
The Mayflower Compact
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95804 R 1976 Town Medal Sterling, MA
Lord Sterling
0.925 Fine Silver
Bril. Uncirculated $45.00
95805 R 1976 Town Medal Sterling, MA
Lord Sterling
White Metal
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95930 R 1971 Town Medal Tisbury, MA
Bril. Uncirculated $55.00
95812 R 1976 Town Medal Cornish, NH
The Longest Covered Bridge
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95815 R
1982 Town Medal Mt. Washington, NH
Mt. Washington Observatory
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95705 R
1961 Town Medal Providence, RI
325th Anniversary
Uncirculated $15.00
95706 R
1961 Town Medal Providence, RI
325th Anniversary
Uncirculated $15.00
95707 R
1961 Town Medal Providence, RI
325th Anniversary
Uncirculated $15.00
95708 R
1961 Town Medal Providence, RI
325th Anniversary
Uncirculated $15.00
96004 R 1961 Town Medal Providence, RI
325th Anniversary
Uncirculated $15.00
95803 R
1977 Town Medal Charleston, SC
10,000 Issued
Bril. Uncirculated $15.00
95913 R 1970s Town Medal Intercourse, PA & Soudersburg, PA Uncirculated $15.00
95878 R 1976 Town Medal Yorktown, NY
Groton River Command Post
0.999 Fine Silver
Uncirculated $55.00
95911 R 1976 State Medal Connecticut
First Written System of Government
Uncirculated $15.00
95904 R 1930 State Medal Massachusetts
Pine Tree Shilling Replica
Uncirculated $35.00
95875 R 1964 State Medal Nevada
John William Mackay
High Relief
Uncirculated $20.00
95905 R
1913 State Medal New York
Single Tax League
Silver Composition
Extremely Fine $45.00
95871 R
1936 State Medal Rhode Island
Tercentenary Landing of Roger Williams
MS-65 $50.00
95834 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Loyal
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95835 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Loyal
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95836 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Loyal
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95837 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Clean
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95838 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Clean
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95839 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Cheerful
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95840 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Cheerful
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95841 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Cheerful
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95842 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Reverent
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95843 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Reverent
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95844 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Reverent
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95845 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Obedient
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95846 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Obedient
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95847 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Obedient
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95848 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Courteous
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95849 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Courteous
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95850 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Courteous
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95851 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Friendly
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95852 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Friendly
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95853 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Friendly
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95854 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Thrifty
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95855 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Thrifty
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95856 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Thrifty
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95857 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Kind
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95858 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Kind
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95859 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Kind
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95860 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Helpful
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95861 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Helpful
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95862 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Helpful
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95863 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Trustworthy
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95864 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Trustworthy
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95865 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Brave
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95866 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Brave
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
95867 R
1972 Scouts Medal Boy Scouts
A Scout is Brave
Issued by the Franklin Mint
Sterling Silver Composition
Proof $40.00
61107 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Explorer I
America's First Successful Satellite
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61108 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Pioneer V
First Long-range Communication Satellite
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61109 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Tiros 1
First Weather Research Satellite
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61110 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
First Intercontinental TV Communications
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61111 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Pioneer II
First Exploration of Venus' Atmosphere
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61112 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
First Satellite Linking of Three Countries
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61113 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Syncom II
First Synchronous Orbit Satellite
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61114 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Ranger VII
America's First Close-up Lunar Photos
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61115 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Mariner IV
First Photographic Exploration of Mars
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61116 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Surveyor I
America's First Lunar Lander
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61117 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Lunar Orbiter
First Photo-Mapping of the Moon
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61118 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Freedom 7
America's First Manned Space Flight
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61119 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Friendship 7
America's First Manned Orbital Flight
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61120 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Faith 7
America's First Prolonged Space Flight
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61121 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Gemini 3
America's First Two-Man Space Flight
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61122 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Gemini 4
America's First Man to Walk in Space
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61123 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Gemini 7/6
First Rendezvous in Space
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61124 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Gemini 8
First Docking of Two Orbiting Vehicles
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61125 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Apollo 7
America's First Three-Man Space Flight
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61126 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Apollo 8
America's First Manned Lunar Orbit
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61127 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Apollo 9
First Lunar Module Flight
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61128 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Apollo 10
First Lunar Module Flight to the Moon
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
61129 R
1970 Space Medal America in Space
Apollo 11
First Manned Landing on the Moon
Bril. Uncirculated $80.00
95802 R
1986 Space Medal Halley's Comet
Edmund Halley
Bril. Uncirculated $12.00
Date of last update: 08/22/2023